May 9, 2024

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7 Entrepreneurs Helping Businesses Through Software

3 min read


Entrepreneurs have changed countless industries. There are many different ways they’ve done this, but none, in our opinion, have been more influential than the software these entrepreneurs create. In this blog post, we will go over different entrepreneurs who have software that are helping businesses.

Alex Becker

Alex Becker is known for his YouTube videos, his books, and his mentorships. What he should be known for is his acumen for providing great software for businesses and agencies.

His latest success is Hyros, is an attribution software that helps marketing managers understand where their company’s revenue comes from. Alex started his first business at 12 with a lemonade stand and never looked back. He has proven himself to be someone who can make money and help other entrepreneurs do the same thing through his software Hyros.

The company also provides high-level customer service, which can be invaluable for campaigns and brands with many moving parts which need support along their journey from dreamer or entrepreneur (or both!) all up through successful business owner/manager – not just because it’s nice but as an essential part in having happy lifetime customers.

Jeremy Smith

Jeremy Smith from Loom Systems Inc. He is an entrepreneur who created KanbanFlow Software out of his garage at home when working full-time as Creative Director. This was right before quitting everything else altogether so it could grow into a multi-million dollar company. KanbanFlow helps businesses organize project management. The interface is quite intuitive.

Dmitry Skavish

Dmitry Skavish is the Co-Founder of Wave.Video. This is software used frequently by businesses small and large for their video marketing. Even agencies love using the software. The interface is sleek and the design simplistic. One of Wave’s most exciting features is that all videos are stored in a database and uploaded to YouTube for you automatically so they will live on even if your website goes down or gets hacked.

Jarrod Morris

Jarrod Morris is the co-creator of, a software that has an awesome feature to help trigger FOMO (fear or missing out). The platform tracks positive activity being taken by prospects and customers, then outputs it for others visiting your site so they can see what people are interested in purchasing from you already – which builds buyer confidence while also increasing urgency resulting into higher conversions rates! A few examples of the positive activity include already being taken by prospects and customers (purchases, opt-ins, webinar registrations, booked appointments, even pageviews).

Emery Wells

Emery Wells is Co-Founder and CEO of Emery’s company creates software that allows businesses to share and review high-quality video clips. Frame is a cloud based platform, which for their customers translates into no more expensive hardware or desktop downloads – they can just upload files within the interface of your browser!

The best thing about this kind if service? There are no limits on file size (for now)! So stop dealing with sending around low-quality videos when you could be using something like “Frame” instead; it’ll make everything easier in terms both time savings as well saving up bandwidth so people aren’t paying extra charges while downloading larger sized items from various websites…both yours and theirs.

Jone Eide

Jone Eide is the founder and developer of listagram. It was founded in 2017.
Listagram is a web-based application that helps you create lists for various purposes. There are many list templates to choose from, or if there’s one in particular not listed, but which might be what you are looking out, just email the company and gladly help make it happen! Here’ some of their features: -You can upload up photos easily by dragging them into designated boxes on screen while using an app like Chrome browser; this saves time because unlike other programs such as Microsoft Word where its necessary click next photo each individual item before moving onto another task (which makes editing tedious).

Wojciech Jasnos

Wojciech Jasnos is the Co-Founder and CEO of This software company provides solutions for small businesses in various industries. is a URL shortener & link retargeting platform. It helps businesses brand, track, and do more with their URL’s. All businesses with a web presence know the importance of branding their company and products. This includes creating URL’s that are memorable, easy to remember for visitors (and can be shared), short enough so they don’t waste time.

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